Sunday, February 10, 2013

How to make plastic?

Step 1:

Step 2:


Step 3:


Step 4:

Alchemists in the past were fascinated by making new substances just like chemists are today. Here is a simple experiment in which you can make a plastic from milk and vinegar. Follow the steps and record your observation as you go along.
Step 1:

1- Measure out 300 ml of milk into a beaker or a measuring cup and warm it carefully. The milk should not get so hot that it boils.
Step 2:

2-Add 15 ml of vinegar to the milk and stir the two liquids together.
Step 3:

3-Leave the mixture to cool for 15 minutes.
Step 4:

4-Place a kitchen sieve or filter paper over a second beaker and pour the mixture into the sieve.
Step 5:

5-Squeeze any solid substance in the sieve or the filter paper to remove more liquid.
Step 6:

6-Tip the solid in the sieve or the filter paper onto a paper towel.

Step 7:

Examine the substance two hours later, a day later and two days later.

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